◆◆◆Relaxation salon shinyu-taiyu◆◆◆



●30min \2900   ●45min \3900
●60min \4900   ●90min \7500

  Seitai  is a traditional hands-on Japanese healthy  therapy.  It has its origins
over 2000years,since then
, it has been developing into a hifhly sophisticated
from of  healing which is both science and art. It cotains interaction of various
physiological systems and focuses on the underlying cause of illness as well as
the symptoms.

  Seitai is the channel that the body's energy-called “Ki” flows through
and around our entire body network . Each pathway flows and connects
to thesuperficial skin layers and internal pathways that connect to the
organs & glands found within the body. This “Ki” pathway flow is
“Keiraku”.This is like enargy lines. By massageing these vital enaegy lines
(there are 365 points on the lines) in a particular way, tha body can
become re-enargized and funcion better.
  This special massage can also help stress to be released , aid in relaxatian
and calmness for tha soul, body and mind.
  The Seitai which is the most important approach “Finger Pressure”, we call
it “SHIATSU”. Also other parts of the body, elbows,arms,hands,feet and
knees,are used to deliver the massage. Shiatsu relaxing deep pressure that
is applied through fingers and thums acting to balance your meridians and
relese blocked energy pathways. Seitai is a from of holostic healing in
massages with some gentle stretch.
  The difference from other massages is that the client remains fully clothed
and covered with a towel with no oil. You do not need to prepare the oil
and shower Sheitai works on a mat or a massage table , bad you can use
your bed or mattresson the floor instead . You can traditionally perfrom
anywhere with only a towel.You can dou massages for your parents, children,
partners,friends,or anybodys.Those massages lead pepole to communicate
each other.

◆Thai Massage◆

●60min \6000    ●90min \9000
Thai Massage is interactive mainpulation of the body using passive
stretching and gentle pressure with hands and feet.
These movements encourage to adjust the skeletal structure, increase
flexibility, relieve muscular and joint tension, stimulate internal organs
and balance the body's enagy system. The effect is relaxing as well as
  As an ancient from of massage, Thai Masssage combines other natural
therapies such as Shiatsu, Acupressure and Yoga.
  Thai Massage is usually perfrom in quiet meditative atmospheres
encouraging the client to let physical and emotional restrictions go.
It facilitates a sense of unity, wholeness and balance. It creates dynamic
physical experience that integrates the body, mind, emotions and spirit.
 It is beneficial for people who are youg or old, active or inactive, healthy.
Thai Massage sessioms usually last one to two hours and are performed
on a floor mat. Clients wear loose clothes and no oils are in this style
of massage.


●20min \3000   ●40min \6000   ●60min \8000
   Some of greatest Reiki healing benefits are stress reduction and relaxation,
which trigger the body natural healing abilities and maintains health.
Conditions Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies
and brings health and well being to recipients.
  When the flow of the “Life Force Energy” is disrupted, weakened or blocked
emotional or health problems tend to occur. Im balances can be caused by
many situations happening in our lives such as : emotion or physical traumas,
injyuries, negative thoughts and feelings including fear, worry, doubt, anger,
anyxiety, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutiritional depletion, destructive lifestyle
and relationships, self-neglect lack of love for oneself or others, from emotions
that are not expressed in a healthy way・・・・・・
 Reiki is appropriate healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritunal
issues of any kind and gives certain results.

◆About School◆

swe have a school  for learning SEITAI  MSSAGE. We hope that many
foreigners experience a variety of  cultures. If  you want to learm,
it please great  Japanese massage at our salon.
  After completing the course here, you can do Seitai for you frends
and family.do not hesitate to challenge, We wish Japanese culetures run
througu all  over the world.